The consortium of the Re-construct project has released the Manual titled “Psychological Support Curriculum in Disaster Situations.” The manual provides a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the population in the five European countries involved in the project. It also includes a description of the psychological, professional, and social effects of the pandemic, as well as an intervention program aimed at assisting those working in the field of adult education in facilitating people’s adaptation to a new lifestyle. The program aims to reduce the risk of developing generalized anxiety, depression, or other disorders associated with crisis situations. Simultaneously, it focuses on developing mental and emotional habits for prevention in relation to physical, mental, emotional, and relational health.

The Manual is available in English and the five languages of the consortium (Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish) and is divided into three parts. The first part of the Manual presents the results of the needs analysis conducted among the partner countries through a survey completed by approximately 500 adults. The second part focuses on providing contextual information and a theoretical framework for mental health, emotional health, physical health, relational health, and professional health. Finally, the last section of the Manual comprises a personal development program that features a collection of ten exercises centered around the five dimensions of health. These exercises utilize non-formal education as a vehicle for individuals to work on themselves and their wellbeing.

Overall, the manual serves as a valuable and practical tool for adult educators seeking to enhance their target group’s wellbeing and soft skills through the application of non-formal education methods. If you are interested, download it here. 

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