On the 16th and 17th of May, partners finally meet for the last time face to face in the sunny frame of Palermo to revise and finalize the work to make the results available and accessible Europe-wide. 

Hosted by the Italian partner CEIPES, the meeting took place in their facilities, where all partners attended with a great spirit of cooperation and creativity. 

During the two-day sessions, after a brief explanation of the status of the project made by the Romanian coordinator, GAMMA, partners worked together to give a final structure and an engaging shape to the Toolkit for adult educators and to the Toolkit for adults. These two valuable tools have inside theory, practical exercises, and tips to have a healthy lifestyle addressed to their specific target group. 

Furthermore, partners thanks to the virtual presence of the Spanish app developer, reviewed the last and more interactive part of the “Re-construct APP” that is Mind’s Life, a live game where users can go deeper into Mindy’s world exploring their healthy or bad habits for a healthier lifestyle. 

The meeting closed with amazing positive energy for the finalization of the testing phase of the app in each partner’s country and the final analysis of the feedback of users.

If you want to test the latest version of the re-construct app, Download it here.

Available only for Android devices.

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