On 9th May the Italian partner, CEIPES, started the testing phase of the Re-construct APP. 

The App, together with the website, is part of the Re-construct digital toolkit and thanks to the work of the consortium and the Spanish developer now this valuable resource is ready to be tested. Inside the app, available in 6 different languages, the little pet “Mindy” will guide users in knowing themselves and improving their well-being among 5 different pathways on Mental, Emotional, Physical, Relational, and professional health. Each pathway involves the users in little exercises or guided meditation. Furthermore, it is possible to enjoy more time with Mindy through the game “Mindy’s Life”, in which users will know more about the places and habits of Mindy and will be involved in facing little challenges and choosing among good or bad habits for it.

The opening session of the Italian testing phase took place in the adult education center of Marco Polo School in Palermo. During this event, CEIPES’s facilitators presented the project and the app in its functions and settings. Each participant had the opportunity to download the app and start the journey with Mindy. The first impression is that users found the app really useful to face their daily life stress and take care of themselves. They will continue their pathway and once finished will give their feedback on the actual version of the Re-construct app. 

The app will be tested in the next weeks also among CEIPES’ stakeholders and internal staff.

If you want to test Re-construct App, know better yourself, and be guided by Mindy, download the APP here.

To know more about the project and about Mindy, follow the Facebook page.

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