“The project “RE-CONSTRUCT: Life & Mind together” (2020-1-RO01-KA204-080317)
is a strategic partnership project in which 5 organizations from 5 European countries (Romania, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland), working in the field of adult education, develop a psychological support program for the crisis period caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and to facilitate the reconstruction of adult life on a personal, family, professional and social level.”

Objective 1

Improving the coping and re-construction skills of personal, professional, family and social, after the Covid-19 pandemic, of at least 300 adults from 5 European countries (Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Poland), for at least 6 months. The objective will be achieved by developing a program of psychological intervention in emergency situations (with adaptation for the period of an emergency and for the post-crisis period), in the form of a mobile application that helps reduce anxiety, increase the initiative for restructuring healthy lifestyle, development of decision-making skills and inclusion of prevention mechanisms in the field of physical, mental, emotional and relational health, as priority in the daily routine.

Objective 2

Improving the capacity of adult education specialists and those in the field of mental health, to provide systematized and monitored psychological support in crisis situations worldwide. This objective will be achieved by developing an algorithm for psychological intervention in crisis and post-crisis, in specialized terms, with recommendations adapted to different socio-economic contexts and different target groups (including for people with disabilities), program disseminated through a web platform with materials in 6 languages ​​(English, Roman, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish).

Objective 3

Increasing the capacity of 5 non-governmental organizations in the field of non-formal adult education, from 5 European countries (Romania, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland) to provide immediate psychological support and to support civil society in reconstruction following a crisis situation , such as a pandemic or other situation that creates extensive losses.


Psychological Support Curricula in disaster situation

Psychological support curriculum in disaster situations – an analysis of the needs of the population of the 5 European countries, together with the description of the psychological, professional and social effects of the pandemic and an intervention program through which those working in the field of adult education, facilitate people’s adaptation to a new lifestyle, in which to reduce the risk of developing generalized anxiety, depression or other disorders associated with crisis situations and at the same time to develop mental and emotional habits for prevention in what concerns physical, mental, emotional and relational health.

Re-construct digital toolkit

RE-CONSTRUCT Digital Toolkit – is a collection of IT resources that includes an Android mobile application in English, which is an intervention program (self-applicable) for a period of 6 months, which results in life planning in a way that the crisis situation (pandemic) is healthy integrated into the life history of the adult, and he learns to make adaptive decisions for the reconstruction of life from a personal, family, professional and social point of view. A web platform will also be developed in which will be available both the exercises from the mobile application, as well as the detailing of the intervention program for crisis and post-crisis so that the specialists in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, counseling and adult education in general to be able to take innovative methods and apply them, adapted to the target groups they work with.



A psychological curriculum to support adults’ wellbeing

A psychological curriculum to support adults’ wellbeing

The consortium of the Re-construct project has released the Manual titled "Psychological Support Curriculum in Disaster Situations." The manual provides a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the population in the five European countries involved in the project. It...

Spanish Final Event

Spanish Final Event

"The activity of the multiplier event, held on 14 June 2023 at ALTAIR, Spanish-Portuguese Reference Centre for Training, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Bejar Salamanca, allowed to disseminate all the relevant aspects of the project. The event was attended by 32...

Celebrating the end of the project

Celebrating the end of the project

On June 14th, The Italian partner CEIPES held the Multiplier Event for the Re-construct project (2020-1-RO01-KA204-080317) showcasing Results to Educators and Psychologists. The event, hosted by the polyfunctional center SI.DA, was the occasion for CEIPES to present...


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